Thursday, May 1, 2014

DJ and Audrey Are Movie Stars!

With Travis Gannon's group from Crop Science at NC State, we have been working on a publication for the Journal of Visualized Experiments, describing field methods for analysis of chemicals applied to soils. The exciting thing about JoVE is that along with a written publication, the journal professionally produces a movie about your work! We recently completed the video footage, and Audrey and DJ got to show off their exceptional on-camera skills. Some pictures of the shoot are below...and be sure to check back soon to see the final video!

We did the shoot at the Sandhills Research Station and had to start pretty early to get the field area prepared.

Audrey prepares to give her introductory remarks...which, of course, she delivered with precision.

DJ demonstrates lysimeter installation.

Audrey and DJ get ready to install some porewater samplers. The videographer liked to do most everything with his jacket on his head.

Preparing for vacuum filtration...

DJ makes a pas over the field area to create some footage for general field 'maintenance'.

The final shot: DJ cuts open and sections the lysimeters.

From now on, DJ and Audrey can be contacted through their talent agents.

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